Welcome to your UX Research Toolkit!
Lets get to know our users better so we can design better products and let’s make this process as fun and as easy as possible. That is the goal the UX Research Toolkit to equip you and your team to research over a longer period or during a sprint! The tools are designed to be used in an agile environment.
Every project is unique and so we created a list of questions that you can look through and see which question would be most relevant to your situation. After looking through those questions you’ll be guided to a set of tools that would help in answering those questions.
That’s up to you, your team, and the time constraints you have.
But in an ideal world, you should seek to confirm your insights from more than one source. So, while each tool can be used on its own, your insights will get stronger if you combine tools. This is called triangulation, and it’s basically connecting the dots.
Simply put we look for insights in one phase of the research we conducted and check to see if that same insight is present in another part of the research we did.